News · March 2016

News from Boughton

Have you heard what’s happening on the Estate? Here’s where we share the latest news and details of forthcoming events that you might like.

Summer Garden events at Boughton House

18th March, 2016

Summer visitors to Northamptonshire’s Boughton Estate can enjoy its famed gardens in sunlight and by starlight, thanks to a bumper events offering. The sprawling countryside and Grade 1 Designed Landscape surrounding Boughton House, the home of the Duke of Buccleuch, will open in conjunction with the Estate’s annual summer House and Gardens public opening in […]

New this spring at Boughton House

4th March, 2016

Boughton House is launching two new guided tours for spring, showcasing the spectacular highlights of the house known as the English Versailles. Visitors to the Estate’s annual Easter opening will be the first to experience the new official Great Hall Tour, part of a brand new offering for 2016. The tour takes visitors on an […]