Local Winter Wonderland

15th October, 2013

Northamptonshire residents will be able to buy locally grown Christmas trees at Boughton House’s annual Christmas fair which begins at the end of November.

The fair will sell Boughton’s own produce including handmade wreaths, fine food, firewood bags and a unique selection of gifts and decorations from the Boughton gift shop. Sunday shoppers are also in for a real treat with reindeer visiting the fair and adding to the Christmas spirit.

Rachael Gladstone-Miller, Boughton Land Agent, comments: “The Boughton Christmas fair has become an important event in the Estate’s calendar and celebrates our locally produced food and goods. Not only can you get some great presents for the family but you can also pick up the Christmas tree. Come and visit us on a Sunday and you’ll even be able to see some reindeer!”

Boughton Christmas fair will run from 30th November to 15th December, 10am-5pm daily and late night Thursday and Friday till 7pm. The fair will be located on the A43 between Weekly and Geddington. For more information please visit www.boughtonhouse.co.uk or 01536 515731.
