Frequently asked questions

Boughton Estate is re-opening on Saturday the 1st August and we are looking forward to giving you a warm welcome! Outlined below are some questions you may have about your visit, our opening times and an explanation of how our new system will work so that we can ensure that our visitors and staff are safe whilst on site.

Pre-booking is essential so numbers on site are controlled and we have introduced some simple rules to help you when you arrive. Booking can be done via our website and you will find the link below.

We promise to keep you feeling safe by:

  • Giving you a warm welcome at a distance
  • Providing Hand Washing Facilities
  • Providing Hand Sanitiser
  • Using one-way systems
  • Protect us all with sneeze screens for ticket and refreshments sales
  • Operating a cashless system

What we ask of you in return:

  • Keep a least one metre away from other guests and our team
  • Wash your hands for 20 seconds after using facilities
  • Use the hand sanitiser dispensers at every opportunity

FAQs for visiting Boughton House Park and Gardens

We want to keep you updated about how we are responding to the coronavirus situation. Below are answers to some of your most frequently asked questions following current official guidance.

In these FAQs:

• What is open?
• Car parks
• Our booking system
• Your visit
• Food and drink
• Other Guidance

How do I get in touch if I have an urgent query?

The Trust Office is available for urgent calls but with small team colleagues can often be undertaking different tasks, so please bear with us. We are working hard to keep our website up to date so please do use it to keep informed. If your query cannot wait, please call us on 01536 515731 or email and we will do our very best to help you.

What is open?

What is open?

Our formal gardens and parkland spaces are all open plus toilets in the Stableyard and takeaway light refreshments

The House (including the Armoury), tearooms and gift shop are closed for the remainder of 2020

How are you cleaning?

All cleaning is being completed in line with government guidance.

The toilets will be cleaned each morning in preparation for opening and monitored by the onsite team regularly.

Are people allowed to bring picnics?

Yes, as long as you follow government guidelines on social distancing and take your litter home with you.

Barbecues are a fire risk and are not permitted anywhere in the park.

We do not provide picnic tables but have extensive lawns and grassland where picnics can be enjoyed and you are welcome to bring portable chairs and tables

How will you enforce social distancing?

The safety of our staff and visitors is our main priority and on site signage and the team will reinforce the well-known social distancing rules.

Will there be hand sanitiser on site?

We will provide hand washing and/or sanitiser in key locations but you are strongly advised to bring your own.

If I become unwell before my visit what should I do?

Please do not visit if you feel unwell with any symptoms of COVID-19 or have come into contact with anyone who may have symptoms. If you have paid for your ticket, we will happily offer you an alternative date to visit and hope to see you when well again. To exchange your ticket please email

Car Park

Is your car park open?

The main car park will open for the duration of the Gardens opening, 1pm – 5pm.  See Opening Dates/ Times here.

Are you charging extra for car parking

No.  Payment for gardens entry includes car parking.

Will I need to pay to book a space?

No, we are not currently requiring visitors to book a space in the car park.

Our Booking System

How can I book a visit?

  • Via our on-line booking system here
  • By phone (01536 515731) – we suggest calling between 9am and 11am prior to the day you wish to visit, at other times team members are likely to be busy with opening.

What should I do when I arrive?

Visitors arriving at the gardens and parklands will be asked to show booked tickets at the ticket office in the Stableyard.

Will I have to print out my tickets or can I show them on my phone?

Visitors can either print their tickets or show them on their phone, we may ask for proof of your name. To maintain social distancing, we are asking visitors not to pass anything to our staff.

Do I need to book if I am arriving on foot or by bicycle?

Yes, if you are visiting the gardens and park, you will still need to book one ticket per person.

Do carers need to book a ticket?

Carers can continue to access our places for free with an essential companions’ card, when booking please select the ‘Membership and Carer’ option.

Can I sell on my ticket?

Tickets are for your use only and are not available for resale. We will cancel tickets which we believe have been resold.

I can no longer make my booked slot; how do I cancel and change?

You can cancel online or contact our office on 01536 515731. Please note all monies that have been paid are non refundable.  However, if you are unwell we can offer you an alternative date to visit once you are well again. To exchange your ticket please email

What happens if I turn up on the day without booking?

You will be politely turned away.

Your Visit

How long can I stay?

You can stay on site until 5pm when we close and our gates are closed for the night.

How often can I visit?

We are asking everyone to be considerate but currently there are no restrictions on multiple visits.

What can I expect from my visit?

  • The opportunity to explore the beautiful historic gardens and parkland surrounding Boughton House.  From the walled garden and rose garden to architectural aspects like Orpheus and the Grand Etang. Find out more here.
  • However, given the unprecedented circumstances, and in order to keep everyone safe, your visit to Boughton will feel different from normal.
  • We are urging everyone to stay local, avoid busy places and continue to follow government advice on social distancing.
  • You may be asked to follow arrows, follow a one-way system, or slow your pace. It is vital that you follow these instructions – they are for everyone’s safety.
  • We will offer a limited range of take-away refreshments and other items but the Tearooms and shop will remain closed.

Will you be asking visitors to wear facemasks or other PPE?

Visitors may wear face masks if they wish. In line with government guidance, our staff will not be required to wear face masks, but they are free to do so if they wish.

Food and drink

Will your tearoom and shop be open? Will there be food and drinks for sale?

Our Tearooms will remain closed, however we will be providing a limited range of takeaway hot and cold drinks and some light pre-packed snacks.

This will ensure that we are still able to provide visitors with refreshments, but by keeping our Tearooms closed we can limit social interaction and keep everyone safe.

As we will be limited to takeaway snacks, we will not be serving a specific menu for children. However, some of the drinks and snacks served will be suitable for children. Please bear this in mind when booking a visit and come prepared.

Our physical (maybe omit) shops remain closed but we will have some items and plants for sale.

Can I bring my own food and drinks?

Yes, visitors may bring their own food and drink, provided that social distancing guidance is followed if sitting down to eat, although all seating areas will be closed. Please take litter home with you.

How is my safety and that of the staff being managed with regard to catering?

The safety of our staff and visitors is our priority. To ensure that social distance is being maintained we will be implementing the following:

  • Limited takeaway offer, focusing on hot and cold drinks and some packaged snacks.
  • One-way queueing system
  • Payment by card only and contactless payment where possible to reduce physical contact.
  • Staff will have had comprehensive training prior to opening to ensure they operate in the safest way possible.
  • Our seating areas will be closed, to reduce social contact.
  • Till and collection points will be screened.
  • Hand sanitiser will be available and visitors will be encouraged to use it.

Will dietary needs to be catered for?

Our initial opening will focus on a small range of takeaway snacks, therefore our menu may not cater for different dietary needs as widely as it normally does.  If you have specific dietary requirements please speak to a team member, who will do their best to help. However, during the initial re-opening phase we encourage visitors with particular dietary requirements to bring snacks with them to avoid disappointment.

Will tap water be provided even if the café isn’t open?

Unfortunately tap water will not be available therefore, we are asking visitors to come prepared with the water they will need for their visit.

Can I bring my re-usable cup?

We know our visitors are as passionate about the environment as we are and like to bring their own re-usable cups, but while we are in this unprecedented time we ask that they support our request not to bring re-usable containers, due to possible cross-contamination.  This is for the health and safety of everyone.

Will there be somewhere to sit and eat?

Our seating areas will be closed, in line with government restrictions. This is so that we can maintain social distancing and prioritise the safety of all visitors, staff and volunteers. We ask that our visitors are mindful of this prior to booking a visit.  You are welcome to bring your own portable chairs and tables to use on the lawns.

Other guidance we ask you to kindly follow whilst visiting:

Children under 12 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult at all times.

Due to the historic nature of the Estate, there are uneven surfaces and walkways.

Drones must not be used anywhere onsite for the protection of the public and buildings.

The Park and Gardens are part of a working Estate, be aware of vehicles and works being undertaken to enable the continued enjoyment of your visit.

The Estate is managed naturally to ensure that the different ecosystems work in harmony, please be aware that at different times of the year there can be insects which may sting or bite e.g. ticks, wasps and bees. It is recommended to follow the NHS advice on prevention of bites and stings and the guidance on symptoms and treatment if you experience a bite or sting.

Can my dog visit the Gardens too?

We welcome dogs on site and in our park, but please note dogs are not allowed in the Formal Gardens with the exception of assistance dogs. Dogs must be kept on leads at all times and cleared up after.